O Cheat Das Estrelas: playstation 2

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Mostrando postagens com marcador playstation 2. Mostrar todas as postagens


Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven

Desbloqueie todos os personagens: 

Na tela 'Title' pressione: L1, R2, L2, R1, Direita, Esquerda, L3, R3.


Durante a pausa do jogo e pressione: Para cima, para baixo, direita, esquerda, quadrado(3).

Desbloqueie todos os itens:

 Na tela de seleção 'Item': Segure L1 + R1 e pressione Para cima, Quadrado(2), Esquerda, Quadrado(2), Down, Quadrado(2), Direita, Quadrado(2).

Desbloqueie todos os layouts da missão: 

Na tela de seleção 'Missão' pressione: R3, L3, R2, L2, R1, L1.

Desbloqueie todas as Missões do Modo História: 

Na tela de seleção 'Missão' pressione: L1, R1, L2, R2, Direita, Quadrado, L3, R3.

Desbloqueie todos os níveis de vários jogadores: 

Na tela de seleção de nível 'Versus' ou 'Co-Op' pressione: L1, R1, L2, R2, Direita, Quadrado, L3, R3.

Desbloqueie bônus Rikimaru Stage:

Na tela 'Title' pressione: L1, Cima, R1, Baixo, L2, Direita, R2, Esquerda ou alternativamente complete o jogo com TODOS os 3 personagens.

Missão de demonstração de desbloqueio:

Na tela 'Title' pressione: Cima, Baixo, Direita, Esquerda, X(3).


Na tela de seleção 'Item': segure L2 + R2 e pressione Quadrado(3), Para cima, esquerda, para baixo, direita. 

Aumento da pontuação: 

Durante a pausa da jogabilidade do jogo: mantenha L1 + R1 e pressione à direita(2), Esquerda(2) 

Capacidade infinita do item: 

Na tela de seleção 'Item': segure L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 e pressione Quadrado(3),  cima, esquerda, baixo, direita, quadrado, cima, direita, baixo, esquerda (você ainda só poderá transportar seis itens diferentes, mas terá um fornecimento ilimitado de cada um deles).

Alternar Habilidades

Especiais: Durante a pausa da jogabilidade: segure L1 + L2 e pressionar Cima(2), Baixo(2). Em seguida: solte L1 + L2 e pressione Quadrado(2), R1, R2. 

Pontuação e tempo de exibição: 

Durante a pausa da jogabilidade o jogo e pressione Direita(2), Esquerda(2) no controlador dois.


Você deve digitar os códigos indo em menu principal, opções e clicando em cheats. Depois é só digita-los lá.

• Destravar todas as cidades no modo arcade: crosscountry ou roadtrip 

• Desbloquear todas as cidades no modo arcade com pedestres rápidos: urbansprawl 

• Aumentar a massa do carro no modo arcade: hyperagro 

• Não sofrer danos: ontheroad 

• Habilidade Argo: dfens 

• Habilidade Roar: ro4r 

• Habilidade Zone: allin 

• Com cabeça de coelho: getheadl 

• Com cabeça em chamas: trythisathome 

• Com cabeça de abóbora: getheadk 

• Com cabeça de caveira: getheadn 

• Com cabeça de boneco de neve: getheadm 

• Smyle: getheadj 

• Lataria cromada: haveyouseenthisboy


Modo trapaça:
Digite um dos seguintes códigos durante o jogo. Uma mensagem será confirme a entrada correta do código.

Armas (nível 1):
Pressione Cima, Quadrado (2), Baixo, Esquerda, Quadrado (2), Direita .

Armas (nível 2):
Pressione Cima, Círculo (2), Baixo, Esquerda, Círculo (2), Direita.

Armas (nível 3):
Pressione Cima, X (2), Baixo, Esquerda, X (2), Direita.

$ 250.000:
Pressione L1, R1, Triângulo, L1, R1, Círculo, L1, R1.

Pressione L1, R1, Círculo, L1, R1, X, L1, R1.

Saúde total:
Pressione L1, R1, X, L1, R1, Quadrado, L1, R1.

Nível desejado aumentado:
Pressione L1, R1, Quadrado, L1, R1, Triângulo, L1, R1.

Nível desejado desativado:
Pressione L1 (2), Triângulo, R1 (2), X, Quadrado, Círculo.

Melhor manipulação de veículos:
Pressione L1, Cima, Esquerda, R1, Triângulo, Círculo, Baixo, X.

Alterar o tamanho do pneu da motocicleta:
Pressione Círculo, Direita, X, Cima, Direita, X, L1, Quadrado.

Destrua todos os carros:
Pressione L1 (2), Esquerda, L1 (2), Direita, X, Quadrado.

Dirija na água:
Pressione Círculo, X, Baixo, Círculo, X, Cima, L1 (2) .

Tráfego preto:
Pressione Círculo (2), R1, Triângulo (2), L1, Quadrado (2) .

Tráfego do Chrome:
Pressione Triângulo, R1, L1, Baixo (2), R1 (2), Triângulo .

Tráfego branco:
Pressione X (2), R1, Círculo (2), L1, Triângulo (2) .

Os semáforos sempre verdes:
Pressione Triângulo (2), R1, Quadrado (2), L1, X (2) .

Motoristas agressivos:
Pressione Quadrado (2), R1, X (2), L1, Círculo (2) .

Os peões têm armas:
Pressione R1 (2), L1, R1 (2), L1, Direita, Círculo .

Trajes aleatórios de pedestres:
Pressione L1 (2), Esquerda, L1 (2), Direita, Quadrado, Triângulo .

Tempo limpo:
Pressione Cima, Baixo, Círculo, Cima, Baixo, Quadrado, L1, R1 .

Tempo ensolarado:
Pressione L1 (2), Círculo, R1 (2x), Quadrado, Triângulo, X .

Tempo de nevoeiro:
Pressione Cima, Baixo, Triângulo, Cima, Baixo, X, L1, R1 .

Tempo nublado:
Pressione Cima, Baixo, X, Cima, Baixo, Triângulo, L1, R1 .

Tempo chuvoso:
Pressione Cima, Baixo, Quadrado, Cima, Baixo, Círculo, L1, R1 .

Tempo mais rápido de jogo:
Imprensa L1 (2), Esquerda, L1 (2), Direita, Círculo, X .

Jogar mais rápido jogo:
Imprensa R1 (2), L1, R1 (2), L1, Baixo, X .

Jogo mais lento:
Pressione R1, Triângulo, X, R1, Quadrado, Círculo, Esquerda, Direita .

Os peões atacam você:
Pressione L1 (2), R1, L1 (2), R1, Cima, Triângulo .

Motim de pedestres:
Pressione L1 (2), R1, L1 (2), R1, Esquerda, Quadrado .

Os pedestres seguem você:
Pressione Baixo (3), Triângulo (2), Círculo, L1, R1 .

Modo de cabeça grande:
Pressione Baixo (3), Círculo (2), X, L1, R1 .

Spawn Rhino:
Pressione L1 (2), Esquerda, L1 (2), Direita, Triângulo, Círculo .

Spawn Trashmaster:
Pressione Triângulo, Círculo, Baixo, Triângulo, Círculo, Cima, L1 (2) .

Cometer suicídio:
Pressione L1, Baixo, Esquerda, R1, X, Círculo, Cima, Triângulo .

De cabeça para baixo:
Pressione Baixo (3), X (2), Quadrado, R1, L1 .

De cabeça para baixo (alternativa):
Pressione X (3), Baixo (2), Direita, L1, R1 .

Voltar ao normal a partir de cabeça para baixo:
Pressione Triângulo (3), Cima (2), Direita, L, R .

Ver créditos do jogo:
Pressione L1, R1, L1, R1, Cima, Baixo, L1, R1 .


No meio do deserto de Las Venturas entre a área 69 e o aeroporto, existe um buraco com 6 sacos plásticos pretos com algo dentro, e um carro na frente. Aparentemente, são corpos humanos.

Na loja do Zero, em San Fierro, existem bonecos de personagens de Grand Theft Auto: Vice City e Manhunt, ambos jogos da Rockstar. Percebe-se que os bonecos do Vice City são eles Tommy Vercetti e Lance Vance.

Em um dos Pilares de Sustentação da Gant Bridge, você poderá encontrar uma mensagem dizendo: "There are no Easter Eggs here, Go away", ou seja; a tradução seria: "Não há Easter Eggs aqui, vá embora!", como se a ousadia da Rockstar Games fosse uma maneira de dizer que eles estão sempre cientes do que os seus fãs estão fazendo em seus jogos de Mundo Aberto.

Em San Fierro existe um prédio com uma placa escrito "Zombotech". O resto diz que é uma corporação de pesquisas sobre zumbis e que visitantes são bem vindos.
O centro de pesquisas Zumbizísticas, também obtêm uma placa escrita "Zombie Lab Only", outra dizendo que os visitantes são bem-vindos com a grafia 'Zombotech' seguida de 'zumbis assustadores' e 'base de pesquisas de vírus' (provavelmente uma referência ao Resident Evil), e uma última placa mostrando o tamanho do prédio, demonstrando que você estaria no térreo, localizado no meio do desenho.

Em Flint County um fotografo aleatório aparece tirando fotos do mar, depois que ele tira a foto ele vai em direção ao mar e curiosamente se afoga, o que na verdade se trata de um bug, pois os personagens são programados para andar em locais seguros e como ali próximo tem uma ponte, o personagem é programado para andar até ali ignorando o mar.

Ao lado da loja do Zero em San Fierro, há uma loja chamada "FUD'S BRAZILIAN WAXING", sua tradução seria algo como - "Depilação brasileira antiquada."

Podem ser encontrados na Mount Chiliad próximo a estrada. São carros sem motorista, todo quebrados que andam sozinhos.
Esse Easter egg teve uma explicação dada pela própria Rockstar. Na verdade é apenas um bug de carros que deveriam surgir na estrada, mas aparecem no declive e por isso andam (apenas enquanto estão na descida), ainda assim as primeiras pessoas que encontraram tomaram um belo susto com os carros que surgiam do nada e andavam sem motorista.

Em Montgomery é possível encontrar um "poço radioativo que está localizado em um beco ao lado de uma casa de jogos.
A escada que fica ao lado e alguns tijolos começam a brilhar com uma cor verde no período da noite, o que leva a crer que há alguma substância sobre os objetos. Esses objetos podem ter adquirido um tom esverdiado porque o poço libera uma possível radioatividade.
Provavel referência ao conto de Lovecraft "a cor vinda do espaço" que fala sobre uma criatura que veio em um meteorito, caiu em um poço e matava aos poucos todos os habitantes ao seu derredor.

Se você olhar pro céu de noite, perceberá que as estrelas formam um R*, símbolo da empresa. Isso também é visível em GTA Vice City e GTA Liberty City Stories.


Akasuna no Sasori + Deidara
Chiyo + Sakura
Kisame + Itachi
Orochimaru + Sasuke
Sakura + Naruto

Naruto + Gaara
Naruto + Sasuke
Naruto + Sai
Shikamaru + Chouji
Tsunade + Jiraya


Mt. Paozu: Peça ao Sheilong
Desert(Day): Peça ao Sheilong
Desert(Evening): Vença o World Tour Yamcha Game no Level 2
Desert(Night): Vença o World Tour Cell Game no Level 2
Janemba Hell: Dragon History Special Saga "Janemba"-Termine
Muscle Tower: Dragon History Dragon Ball Saga "Decisive Battle in Holy Place"-Termine
Penguin Village: Peça ao Sheilong
King Castle: Peça ao Sheilong


Nail: Dragon History Frieza saga "Super Saiyan!?"-Termine
King Cold (Pai do Frieza): Vença o World Tour Cell Game no level 3
Babidi: Dragon History Buu saga "Good bye Proud Warrior"-Termine
Spopovich: Vença o World Tour World Tournament no level 3
Future Gohan: Peça ao Sheilong
Fasha: Vença o World Tour Yamcha Game no level 3
King Vegeta (Pai do Vegeta): Dragon History What IF saga "Galaxy Battle"-Termine
Dr. Wheelo: Dragon History Special Saga "Dr. Wheelo"-Termine
Goku (GT): Dragon History GT saga "Undead Monster!?"-Termine
Cyborg Tao-Pai-Pai: Vença o World Tour Otherworld Tournament no level 2
Pilaf Machine: Vença o World Tour Super World Tournament no level 2
Tambourine: Dragon History Dragonball saga "Revenge of Goku"-Termine
King Piccolo: Dragon History Dragonball saga "Revenge of Goku"-Termine
Chi-Chi (Criança): Peça ao Sheilong
Akkuman: Dragon History What IF saga "Unexpected Messiah"-Termine
Nam: Dragon History Dragonball saga "Dreadful Tenku Peke Ji Ken"-Termine
Android 08: Dragon History What IF saga "Kindhearted Android"-Termine
General Blue: Dragon History Dragonball saga "Searching in Penguin Village"-Termine
Arale: Dragon History What IF saga "Dream Match"-Termine
Nuova Shenron: Dragon History GT saga "Warrior of Sun"-Termine


*Para realizar o código pause o jogo e digite o código pausado

Crash congela os inimigos que toca

Baixo, baixo, baixo, cima 

Crash se torna uma sombra
Esquerda, direita, esquerda, direita 

Inimigos deixam uma fruta roxa no caminho
Baixo, cima, cima, baixo 

Inimigos deixam um Super Kick
Cima, direita, baixo, esquerda 

Inimigos deixam uma Wumpa Fruit
Direita, direita, direita, cima 

Faz Crash ter partes gigantes pelo corpo
Esquerda, esquerda, esquerda, baixo 


Act 150 XP per answer
What is Spider-Man's secret identity?Peter Parker
What is the criminal identity of Obadiah Stone?Iron Monger
What is Captain America's Real Name?Steve Rogers
What is the secret identity of the Gray Goblin?Gabriel Stacy
Where was Speedball working when he gained his powers?Hammond Research Laboratory
What is Songbird's real name?Melissa Gold
Where did Charles Xavier locate his school for gifted youngsters?Westchester, New York
What is the name of the newspaper
founded by Daredevil confidant Ben Urich?
Front Line
What is the criminal identity of Otto Octavius?Doctor Octopus
What is Daredevil's real name?Matt Murdock
What is Luke Cage's real name?Carl Lucas
Which member of the X-Men can build anything they can imagine?Forge
The Fantastic Four call what city home?New York
Before he was a hero, Spider-Man briefly called himself a…Wrestler
When the character was first created,
Wolverine was intended to be what?
A wolverine mutated to human form
What job does Peter Parker do for the Daily Bugle?Photographer
What letter does Captain America
traditionally wear on his forehead?
What price did Invisible Woman agree
to pay Doctor Doom for delivering her baby safely?
Doom could name the baby
Which team is Wolverine not a part of?Warbound
Captain America is a member of which team?Avengers
Thing is a member of which team?Fantastic four
Who is known as the "man without fear"?Daredevil
What is Ms. Marvel's real name?Carol Danvers
What is Wolverine's real name?James Howlett
Which of these is the secret agent
who aided the X-Men before dying in a plane explosion?
Michael Rossi
Which Team is known as "Earth's Mightiest Heroes"?Avengers
Which team is known to be "Uncanny"?X-Men
Wolverine received his adamantium
skeleton as part of what program?
Weapon X
What is Hulk's Real Name?Bruce Banner
Blade's mother was attacked by what creature?Vampire
What war did Captain America Fight in?World War II
What are the Fantastic Four's uniforms made of?Unstable molecules
Spider-Man first appeared in what issue of 'Amazing Fantasy'?15
What is Gambit's real name?Remy LeBeau
What is Iceman's real name?Bobby Drake
What was Jean Grey's original X-Men team name?Marvel Girl
Spider-Man's Costume does NOT have which of these colors?Yellow
What is Psylocke's real name?Elizabeth Braddock
What is Cyclops' real name?Scott Summers
How is Spider-Man related to Spider-Woman?Not related
Reed Richards is also known as…Mister Fantastic
Which of these women has NOT been Spider-Woman?Jean Grey
What is the name of the human that shares Thor's Body?Donald Blake
Luke Cage works as a bodyguard for Matt Murdock with whom?Jessica Jones
Where was Jean Grey's father employed?Bard College
What is Nick Fury's middle name?Joseph
Who was the man Psylocke was
telepathically linked to when he was murdered?
Tom Lennox
Daredevil is of what descent?Irish-American
After traveling through time,
what pirate identity did Thing adopt?
In the comics, which super-villain killed Gwen Stacy?Green Goblin
Act 2200 XP per answer
What is Luke Cage's old superhero name?Power Man
In which comic did Wolverine first appear?'The Incredible Hulk' 180
What was Ms. Marvel's name in the House of M?Captain Marvel
Who shot and killed Steve Rogers?Sharon Carter
Who has not been one of Daredevil's love interests?Betty Brant
What was the name of Marvel Comics before it was Marvel Comics?Timely Comics
Peter Parker's Uncle Ben was…Shot
Complete this sentence: With
great power there must also come great…?
What is the name of the book
Ben Urich wrote about the Green Goblin?
Legacy of Evil
How old was Mister Fantastic when he first met his wife Sue?19
What superhero has romantic feelings for Penance?Squirrel Girl
What is Daredevil's day job?Lawyer
Wolverine's skeleton is covered with what alloy?Adamantium
What materials were in the shield
Franklin D. Roosevelt presented Captain America?
Steel and Vibranium
Who Raised Daredevil?His father
Which Avenger was found frozen in a block of ice?Captain America
Who is the publisher of the Daily Bugle?J. Jonah Jameson
In what year was Wolverine's first appearance published?1974
Where does Thor live?Asgard
What is the name of Tony Stark's Father?Howard Stark
What is the name of Ms. Marvel's cat?Chewie
Who was the Super-Skrull created to destroy?Fantastic Four
What are Doctor Doom's robots known as?Doombots
What is the Name of Thor's Hammer?Mjolnir
What does Cyclops wear to control his powers?Glasses
Who is Best known for saying, "It's Clobber'n Time!"?The Thing
What is the name of Tony Stark's personal assistant?Pepper Potts
Who originally bore the name "Human Torch"?An android
What color was Ben Grimm's Hair?Brown
Thor is not immortal, but
must eat golden apples picked by whom?
What is the name of Eddie Brock's Ex-wife?Anne Weying
Who was Bruce Banner's wife?Betty
Who is Storm's husband?Black Panther
Where was Gambit Born?New Orleans
What is Deadpool's real name?Wade Wilson
What is the real name of the assistant of the doctor
who experimented on Deadpool after he washed out of Weapon X?
Which Goddess is Thor's mother?Gaea
Which of the following has
NOT been a host to the Venom Symbiote?
Matt Murdock
Which of these is not a relative of Cyclops?Norman Summers
Which of these is a known ally of Professor Mendel Stromm?Seward Trainer
In what city was Blade born?London
Which of these was NOT a founding member of the Avengers?Spider-Man
What is Iron Man's real name?Tony Stark
In the original comic story, in
what country was Tony Stark held prisoner?
Which super-villain once refused
to pay Luke Cage for his work?
Doctor Doom
In which town did Sue and Johnny Storm grow up?Glenville
Which of these women is Gabriel Stacy's sister-in-law?Liz Osborn
What is the highest level of
education completed by Jessica Drew?
High School Dropout
Which of these was once an alias of Edwin JarvisCrimson Cowl
Which of these was not the name
of Frank Castle's wife, son, or daughter?
Act 3450 XP per answer
Who is the super-villain Scorpio's brother?Nick Fury
In what issue of 'The Uncanny X-Men'
did Psylocke join the X-Men?
The Hulk gained his powers after
being exposed to what radiation?
Who is Captain America's greatest villain?Red Skull
What is Sue Richards' maiden name?Storm
What is the Human Torch's real name?Johnny Storm
What country is ruled by Black Panther?Wakanda
Who is Matt Murdock's law partner?Foggy Nelson
What is Storm's real name?Ororo Munroe
What is the name of Norman Osborn's son?Harry
Who is Psylocke's brother?Captain Britain
What college did Reed Richards attend?Empire State University
What was the name of Captain America's teen sidekick?Bucky
What metal is mined in Wakanda?Vibranium
Who is known as the "merc with a mouth"?Deadpool
Who made Spider-Man's costume?Peter Parker
How long can Grey Gargoyle turn something to stone?1 hour
In what comic did Iron Man first appear?'Tales of Suspense'
What is the name of Hulk's cousin?Jennifer Walters
Who was the crime lord that hired Slaymaster to
kill Psylocke and the other S.T.R.I.K.E. PSI-Divison agents?
What is the name of Storm's mother?N'Dare
Whom did Gambit approach for
help after his powers became active?
What was the name of Daredevil's first love?Elektra
Complete this name: Xavier's School For Gifted…Youngsters
Deadpool was once investigated
by what interdimensional law firm?
Landau, Luckman, and Lake
Thor's enemy, Surtur, is from what plane of existence?Muspelheim
Eddie Brock lost his job at the
Daily Glove after fabricating a story about who?
Ben Grimm is also known as…The Thing
What country does Doctor Doom call home?Latveria
Who is the mother of Norman Osborn's son Gabriel?Gwen Stacy
What rank was Cyclops's father in the United States Air Force?Major
Penance has a suit that causes how many points of pain?612
Who is the founder of the X-Men?Charles Xavier
Who Built the Iron Man armor?Tony Stark
What is the name of the Fantastic Four's home?Baxter Building
What was Songbird's wrestling stage name?Screaming Mimi
Who was the leader of the BloodshadowsLamia
Who did Tony Stark claim Iron Man really was?His bodyguard
Where is the Baxter Building located?42nd St. and Madison Ave.
What college did Iceman attend?UCLA
How old was Jean Grey when her powers first manifested?10
Rick Jones was the friend of what scientist?Bruce Banner
Iceman once pursued a romantic relationship
with Polaris. What name did Polaris use first?
In 1780, Jean Grey's ancestor
was a Hellfire Club Queen in what city?
Which agency has Nick Fury not worked for?FBI
Which of these is NOT a color the Hulk has turned?Yellow
Ms. Marvel's lover, William Wagner,
was revealed to be a member of what alien race?
Captain America was shot and killed in 'Captain America' Volume 5,
Issue 25, which was published in what month?
March 2007
While Human Torch was appearing in the pages of
'Strange Tales', what was the name of his girlfriend?
Dorrie Evans
What religion is The Thing?Jewish
Act 4800 XP per answer
What religious affiliation is Penance?Presbyterian
Who is Songbird's great love, Beetle, also known as?Abner Jenkins
What is The Thing's middle name?Jacob
Which of these is not one of Hulk's multiple personalties?Bannerman
As a young girl, Storm was a Thief in what city?Cairo
Daredevil's arch nemesis, The Kingpin,
was first an enemy of what other character?
What is the name of Luke Cage's daughter?Danielle
What is the name of the Avengers' Butler?Edwin Jarvis
What newspaper did Norman Osborn buy?Daily Bugle
For a time, Hulk was known as Joe Fixit
and worked as muscle for what casino owner?
Michael Berengetti
Gambit married Bella Donna Boudreaux and was
forced to do battle with her bother. What was his name?
What is Penance's real name?Robbie Baldwin
What fear does Storm suffer from?Claustrophobia
What is the name of Peter Parker's Uncle?Ben
After Jean Grey's death, Cyclops signs onto
a fishing boat. Who was the captain of this boat?
Lee Forrester
What street gang did Blade join as a young man?Bloodshadows
At what age did Tony Stark begin attending MIT?15
What is the cover date on 'Amazing Fantasy' 15?August 1962
When Doctor Doom was deposed
as leader of Latveria, who took control?
What was Ms. Marvel's Air Force call sign?Cheeseburger
Mister Fantastic's 40th century descendant,
Nathaniel Richards, is also known by what name?
Kang the Conqueror
Ms. Marvel battled the Brood single-handedly in what Georgia town?Spaulding
What is the name of Peter Parker's Aunt?May
What is the identity of the Captain America
impostor the Human Torch met?
Which of these government agencies
has Wolverine not worked with?
What did Hank Pym discover?Pym Particles
Why did Sue Storm's father go to prison?Accidentally killed a man
Whom did Gambit help a de-aged Storm defeat?Amahl Farouk
Songbird controls her powers with
technology developed by what villain?
What member of the X-Men was Iceman?Second
Where did Jean Grey go to
college after leaving Xavier's school?
Metro College
Who created the Infinity Formula?Dr. Berthold Sternberg
Psylock originally had what powers?Telepathy
What is the name of Daredevil's ninja master?Stick
Which team has Luke Cage not been a member of?X-Men
Cyclops's wife Madelyne struck a bargain with what demonN'astirh
Who is the only vampire hunter other than
Blade to survive Ogun Strong's Battle with Dracula?
Captain America was part of what World War II era super team?Invaders
Which of the following has
not been one of Wolverine's aliases?
Weapon Omega
In High School the Invisible Woman was captain of what?Girls Varsity Swim Team
What is the name of Human Torch's
friend who convinced him to be a Firefighter?
Mike Snow
The Fantastic Four gained their powers after being hit by what?Cosmic Rays
What is the name of The Thing's older
brother, who was killed in a street fight?
What is the name of the great love that
rejected Deadpool because of his healing factor?
What amnesiac World War II hero did
Human Torch encounter after quitting the Fantastic Four?
Thor's enemy Fafnir was once king of what?Nastrond
What was Penance's superhero
identity before he was Penance?
Who was Bobby Drake on a date
with when his powers first manifested?
Judy Harmon
What is the name of the woman
who came to possess a Yellow Venom Symbiote?
Donna Diego
What is the Superhuman Registration Act also known as?HR 421



Destrave a Dificuldade Crazy
Termine o jogo com Leon. Depois no menu principal selecione New Game e escreva @CRAZY no lugar do nome.

Jade Mask

Termine o jogo e grave. Vá na loja do Rinaldo a Jade Mask estará disponível por 999.

Mobiu´s Brooch

Termine o jogo no modo Crazy e grave. Vá a loja de Rinaldo e Mobiu´s Brooch estará disponível por 200.000.

Jogue com o Joachim Armster

Termine o jogo com Leon. Depois no menu principal selecione New Game e escreva @JOACHIM.

Modo Boss Rush

Termine o jogo e grave usando o mesmo personagem que você terminou o jogo entre na tela de seleção de fases.

Teste de Som

Termine o jogo e grave. Vá até a loja de Rinaldo e compre a Music Box e você poderá escutar todas as músicas no menu principal.

Todas as Habilidades

Termine o jogo com Leon. Depois no menu principal selecione New Game e escreva @LLSKILL no lugar do nome.

Use uma Abóbora como Arma

Termine o jogo com Jachim Armster Depois no menu principal selecione New Game e escreva @PUMPKIN no lugar do nome. Você terá uma Abóbora como arma no jogo.


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